Free Online Blackjack Game

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Optimal Stragegy
Hard Totals:
- 2 - 7: always hit.
- 8: stand with ace Bonus card, otherwise hit.
- 9: stand with ace or ten Bonus card, otherwise hit.
- 10 - 15: stand if Bonus card gives total of 19-21; otherwise hit.
- 16: stand if Bonus card gives total of 18-21; otherwise hit.
- 17: stand if Bonus card gives total of 18-21 OR is a ten; otherwise hit.
- 18-21: stand.
Soft Totals:
- 11 - 17: stand if Bonus card gives total of 20-21; otherwise hit.
- 18: stand if Bonus card gives total of 19-21; otherwise hit.
- 19: stand if Bonus card gives total of 20-21 OR is an 8, 9, or ten; otherwise hit.
- 20 - 21: stand